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Great Showing at First Debate Competition!

After lots of practice, and having one tournament postponed because of the after-effects of the Elkhorn tornado, Guided by Kids had the small but mighty twosome of 8th grader Lucy and 5th grader Akhil competing at Millard North Middle School Debate Tournament on Saturday, May 4th!

Lucy earned the 5th place speaker's medal in varsity debate, while Akhil was awarded 2nd place speaker in novice competition at his first debate tournament ever. Both are debating the resolution "The U.S. should regulate and restrict the advancement of artificial intelligence."

We have learned so much about this fascinating topic and look forward to one more competition on May 18 at Elkhorn Valley View Middle School. We should have all 5 Guided by Kids students ready to roll for that event, and also hope to improve our persuasiveness and argumentation after seeing what other students presented on both sides of the resolution in the first competition.

Once again, congratulations to Lucy and Akhil for representing Guided by Kids so skillfully, and for having fun while taking on challenging competition and learning!

Fred Robertson and Payton Evans, co-teachers of Guided by Kids



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